Wednesday, April 17, 2013

This Really is About Food, but....

Alicia here! It's been what feels like a very long time since we've written a bit about food. Explanations are in order. We really want this blog to be sort of an homage to the state that has made us most proud: Texas. Texas is as much a part of who Kevin and I are as anything else, because it's unlike living anywhere else in the world. That being said, in the past month or so, a lot has happened to us and done well to change our lives. Like anything else that changes where you're at in life, it takes some time to adjust and prepare to accept the next direction in your life. And if any of that makes sense to you, please find your way to San Antonio, Texas and explain it to me. Regardless, we have risen from the ashes of change and are gradually easing back into what makes us happy, which, as you know, happens to be eating and telling other people about the great (and not-so-great) things we've eaten. We apologize for being major deadbeats as far as food blogging is concerned, but no worries. We'll be back this week with all new and, hopefully, delicious meals to share with you! Keep reading, keep eating, and if you have suggestions, send them our way!

   Check back with us later this week! --A&K

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